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Zeitschrift für die Welt der Türken / Journal of World of Turks

Yıl 2011 , Cilt 3 , Sayı 3

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Makale özeti
Başlık :

Ein deutungsversuch: die zweischichtige ironie im kurzen prosatext “die baumschneider” von hertha kräftner

Yazarlar :
Yazar kurumları :
Sakarya Universität Germanistische Abteilung1
Görüntülenme :
Özet Türkçe :

In this interpretation attempt is analyzed the short prose text of Hertha Kraeftner in the two-layered framework of irony, which the writer uses, by means of the work immanent and reader-oriented interpretation methods. So this text improves direction of thought with the two-layered meaning relationship from the concrete to the abstract, from clearly visible to the symbolic extending.

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