Makale özeti ve diğer detaylar.
Yahya Kemal. Klasik ve modern iirin tam ortasında bulunan mühre bir airdir. Eski ve yeni iirin yollarının (tarz/üslup/içerik/ekil) kesitii noktada o ve iiri vardır. Yahya Kemal, eski airlerden ne kadar etkilenmise, yeni airler de onun iirinden o kadar etkilenmilerdir. Yahya Kemal’in öncekilerden etkilenmesi ve sonrakileri etkilemesi gerçei iirin bütün formatlarında gerçeklemitir. Yahya Kemal’in iiri, dıa dönüklüü, açıklıı, hedonistlii ve muzafferiyetçilii bakımından nasıl Nedîm’in iirine balanabilirse; Nâzım Hikmet’in, Fazıl Hüsnü Dalarca’nın, Attila lhan’ın, Cahit Külebi’nin ve Yamur Atsız’ın iiri de Yahya Kemal’in iirine balanabilir. te bu yüzden Yahya Kemal, klasik ve modern Türk iirinin tam ortasında duran okul ve misyon sahibi vizyonu oldukça geni devinimci bir mühredir. Elbette ki kendinden sonra gelen daha pek çok air onun iirine balanabilir.
Yahya Kemal is a burnishing poet who is right in the middle of classical and modern poetry. Yahya Kemal and his poetry stand at the point where classic and modern poem intersect (manner/style/content/shape). The more Yahya Kemal was affected by the classical poetry, the more modern poets were affected by his poetry. The fact that Yahya Kemal was affected by his precedents and affected his followers happened in all forms of poetry. Poetry of Nazım Hikmet, Fazıl Hüsnü Dalarca, Atilla lhan, Cahit Külebi and Yamur Atsız can be linked with Yahya Kemal’s poetry as well as the fact that Yahya Kemal’s poetry can be related to Nedim’s poetry in terms of his expressionism, openness, hedonism and triumphalism. For that reason Yahya Kemal is a moving burnisher, has a school and mission with a pretty wide vision who is in the middle of Classical and, Modern Turkish Poetry. Certainly, lots of poets can be linked with his poetry who comes after him. At the same time he is a poet with a school and mission, as a burnisher