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Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi

Yıl 2011 , Cilt 4 , Sayı 17

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Makale özeti
Başlık :

Sarah kane’s postdramatic strategies in blasted, cleansed and crave

Yazar kurumları :
Ordu University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Foreign Languages1
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Özet Türkçe :

After her unexpected death in 1999 there have been scholarly and theatrical interests in Kaneian drama. In this process Sarah Kane's texts have been performed all over the world. Many articles, books and book chapters have been published about her texts which handle the issues such as violence, trauma, depression, repression, torture, madness, death, love, and apocalypse in the light of Artaudian, Bondian, Beckettian, Pinteresque readings and her experiential theatre. But there is one crucial point missing: Kane's theatre is totally a postdramatic one as Hans-Thies Lehmann characterizes. The aim of this paper is to discuss postdramatic theatricality of Sarah Kane's Blasted, Cleansed and Crave.

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