The modernization of educational institutions starting with military schools as Mühendishâne-i Bahrî-i Hümayun and Mühendishâne-i Berrî-i Hümayun continued with the establishment of modern educational institutions in addition to these military schools in II. Mahmud period. This movement, which was started with Sultan Mahmud II, both in the Tanzimat Period and after Tanzimat Period had continued with constitution of new education institutions. It was decided to create a hierarchical structure consisting of three stages as primary secondary and higher education, in 1846 . Although this structure has not been implemented until the end of the Tanzimat Period, also in the Tanzimat Period, Maârif-i Umumiye Nizâmnâmesi, issued in 1869, was a milestone for hierarchy among the new-style education institutions. In this paper it would be attempted to expose founding process of hierarchical structure between education institutions that is established in new form