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Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education

Yıl 2009 , Cilt 10 , Sayı 1

Makale özeti ve diğer detaylar.

Makale özeti
Başlık :

Evaluatıon of course tutor‘s performance through open dıstance learnıng ın pakıstan: perception of the students

Yazar kurumları :
International Islamic University, PAKISTAN1, Education National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, PAKISTAN2
Görüntülenme :
Özet Türkçe :

The research article deals with the evaluation of course tutor's performance appointed by the Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad at Master of Education level. The study was delimited to the students enrolled during semesters, spring 2006 to spring 2007 in Rawalpindi region. The sample of the study consisted of 63 students of Rawalpindi district. A five-point Likert rating scale was administered to collect the views about the selected parameters of course tutor's performance. The 30 items 0f the instrument focused on the selected parameters of tutor's performance. The data were analyzed on applying simple percentage formula along with the calculation of mean score and the recommendations were made from the findings of the study. The study showed their performance was dissatisfactory regarding beforehand written instructions about the methods, ways and styles of writing assignments. Results showed that tutors‘ performed better regarding students‘ guidance and providing instructions in first tutorial meeting. The performance of tutors regarding the evaluation of assignments and written feedback of right and wrong was below average. Remedial efforts and correction based reinforcement was lacking in prevailing practices performed by the tutors of ODL system.

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