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The Online Journal of Counselling and Education

Yıl 2012 , Cilt 1 , Sayı 2

Makale özeti ve diğer detaylar.

Makale özeti
Başlık :

Projective identification: the study of scale development, reliability and validity

Yazarlar :
Yazar kurumları :
Sakarya University Faculty of Education Educational Sciences 1
Görüntülenme :
Özet Türkçe :

The aim of the research is to develop the scale of projective identification and to examine the validity and reliability. Research was conducted on 674 students. 58.36% of total variance in the factor analysis of that describes the four factors were collected from 30 items. First-level confirmatory factor analysis, chi-square (x ² = 1338.36, df = 399, p = 0.00) significant, the RMSEA fit indices =. 059, GFI = 96, AGFI =. 95, CFI =. 92, IFI =. 93, NFI =. 90, RFI =. 90 were found. Second-level confirmatory factor analysis, the chi-square (x ² = 801.20, df = 401, p = 0.00) significant, the RMSEA fit index =. 039, GFI =. 98, AGFI =. 97, CFI =. 97, IFI =. 97, NFI =. 93 and =. 93 was found RFI. Internal consistency coefficient of .92 for the whole of the scale, sub-dimensions for the dependence of projective identification and .81, .78 for the power of projective identification, for sexuality projective identification, projective identification and to curry favor with .95 and .66, respectively. In addition, 27% and upper 27% of the test sub-groups t-test for comparison of the results were significant. Projective identification is the first time on the basis of these findings scale developed by the researcher in the field of education and psychology that can be used, said to be valid and reliable instrument.

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