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International Journal of Language Academy - IJLA



1)    In IJLA (International Journal of Language Academy), the articles as such copyrights, edition critics,  translation, book reviews and assessment and meeting notes are submitted for evaluation

2)   The articles submitted to the journal shouldn’t be previously published in another media organ or shouldn’t be in evaluation process for their publication.

3)    If the articles were previously submitted as a notice in a conference, symposium or an assembly, they could be published if they are approved by the publication board, providing the date and venue are defined. All responsibility for this issue belongs to the authors.

4)    The articles submitted to Manuscript Submission System (MSS) are initially examined by the editorship in the context of IJLA Principles of Spelling And Publication. If there were some parts that should be corrected by the author, the article would be returned to the author and he/she would be required to make corrections.

5)   The articles which are not appropriate for the principles of spelling and publication are not sent to the referee and not published.

6)    The articles approved by the editorship in MSS are sent to at least two referees at the same system. If it is necessary, the manuscript could have more than two referees examine. The ultimate decision about the manuscript to be published are taken by considering the views of the majority of the referees. The recommendations of the referees are meticulously followed by the editor. The journal has a right to make corrections in the articles and publish or unpublish the articles sent. In the manuscripts sent for the evaluation, the names of the authors and referees are kept confidential.

7)    The authors may object to the negative views of the referees providing they submit evidence. This objection is examined and if it is necessary, views of  different referees can be benefitted.

8)    Referee-editor and editor-author can correspond with each other on the part of messages in MSS. Recommendations and extra warnings could be submitted.

9)    In which edition an article, decided to be published, is going to be published is informed to the author.

10)  All process is conducted as online.

11)  The article should be started with an “introduction” part which includes in the approaches in literature about aim, content and research and the methods of the study. At the end of the article, there should be a “result” part in which the obtained findings are evaluated.

12)  at the beginning of the article, there should be an (200-250 words) abstract (English and Turkish) which defines the study in shortly and briefly (for the articles written in a language other than Turkish, a Turkish abstract may be required if the journal editorship demands.). Keywords which make up at least 3 and at most 5 words should be included by leaving one blank line from the abstract. Subsequently, again by leaving one blank line, Turkish abstract and keywords should be included. The text of the abstracts in Turkish and English should be written with 7,5 font size, using Bookman Old Style font and leaving one blank line.    

13)  For the articles to be sent, the order below should be followed by considering the type of the articles (compilation / research / interpretation) and fields of science: Title in English (Capital letters / bold type character and 220 letters at most / 16 font size / Bookman Old Style) and Abstract (English) and Keywords. Except the above ones, the text should be written with 9 font size in general.

14)  The articles shouldn’t exceed over 25 pages including notes, tables, shapes, graphic and references. A number should be given for the shapes, photos, graphics and drawings and when it is used in the text, this number should be defined and if the title is quoted, the source should be shown in sub-script.

15)  The articles should be written with the software programmes (Word for Windows or Quark Macintosh) commonly used in computers in order to accelerate the process of composition, correction and edition.

16)  The language of the journal is English and Turkish. If necessary, the articles from other languages might be accepted.

17) Below the title of the article, the name or title of the author, the institutions he/she works for and his/her e-mail shouldn’t be written. As the name of the authors can be seen by the editor, this information will be added to the article by him/her. While the articles are being added to the system, it should be ensured that any information about the author shouldn’t appear in the article. This issue is significant since it will provide more possibility to act free for the referees who will examine the article.  

18)  In the manuscripts sent to the journal, there is a compulsion to obey grammar rules (spelling, punctuation, clearance, clarity etc.). thus, the author is responsible for any kind of problems that may appear and critics.

19) All copyright rights of the articles sent are reserved by the journal and they cannot be published, multiplied or used without giving reference in anywhere unless it is permitted. Besides, any legal liability caused by or arising out of the content or the article itself belongs to the author/s.

20)  In the articles, APA style, one of the most common giving references, should be used. The accuracy of the sources are of the responsibility of the authors. The notes and references should be separated. If any, the notes should be numbered in the text and placed below the page according to the order.

21) Even though the articles sent to IJLA completed the referee process, they may be rejected by the editorship board.

22)  For the articles to be published in IJLA, the authors donate 250 TL or corresponding 250 TL to The Association of Improving Quality in Education. postgraduate or PHD students who don’t work with the instructors don’t have to donate.

23) The articles sent to IJLA should be prepared with American Psychological Association (APA style) in reference system, footnotes and preparing references. APA-VI format would be the version the authors will use. For APA-VI format, click here.

24)  About the principles of spelling and publication, the schematic version of the expressions above is given below. The authors should prepare their manuscripts accordingly. The works prepared apart from these are not going to be taken into consideration."