After the Mongols defeated Naymans and established their sovereignty on the vicinity of the Altay mountains, Uighurs accepted Mongol hegomony. From that time onward, Uighurs had played an important role in the Mongol Khanate’s political history. In addition to their military support for the expanse of Mongols, Uighurs showed themselves, especially, by their skills in the field of bureaucracy. Their profound impact on the Mongol Khanate became one of the reasons for mentioning about Uighurs in the literature handled in Persian, Arabic and Chinese related to Mongol History. Latin is another main language used in writing of historical works regarding Uighurs under the sovereignty of the Mongol Khanate. Both the globetrotters such as Johannes of Plano Carpini, Willem of Rubruk and Matthew of Paris, Hetum of Korykhos mentioned about Uighurs in their choronicles. In this study, tle Latin Works related to the Uighurs will be examined.