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Middle Eastern & African Journal of Educational Research

Yıl 2012 , Cilt , Sayı 1

Makale özeti ve diğer detaylar.

Makale özeti
Başlık :

Financing distance education: case study of lesotho distance teaching centre, southern africa

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This paper reports the results of a study aimed at finding out the financial status of the Lesotho Distance Teaching Centre (LDTC), Lesotho, a tiny country surrounded by South Africa. The Centre provides basic, junior and senior school certificate programmes and has been in existence since 1974 under the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET). The objectives were to study the funding pattern, income and expenditure, and the effectiveness of the management to reap economy of scale and achieve the planned activities within the given budget. Budget documents were analysed, and the officials at the MOET and LDTC (N = 13) were provided a questionnaire and were interviewed toward collection and analysis of data. The results of the study indicate: reduced student intake (except for basic education), decrease in financial support especially from the government, increase in nonacademic expenses, and lack of initiatives and efficiency in resource mobilisation and efficient resource deployment. Implications have been drawn for further organisation and management of the centre and of distance education in the country, which may be of help to other distance teaching institutions elsewhere.

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