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Mevlana International Journal of Education

Yıl 2013 , Cilt 3 , Sayı 4

Makale özeti ve diğer detaylar.

Makale özeti
Başlık :

School learning responsibility scale’s validity and reliability study (for primary school students)

Yazarlar :
Yazar kurumları :
Ahi Evran University, Educational Faculty,Department of Educational Sciences, Kırşehir/Turkey1
Görüntülenme :
Özet Türkçe :

Learning responsibility is one of the responsibility types which are frequently emphasized particularly in recent years. However, determining to what extent schools and educators are able to make the students acquire learning responsibility is an important problem that should be paid attention. This study was aimed to develop a measurement tool which can be used to determine school learning responsibility levels of primary school students based on their self-perceptions. Study group of this study consisted of a total 579 primary school students. In development process of the scale, firstly, literature review was made and was interviewed with primary school teachers. Within the framework of validity analyses of the scale; (1) Exploratory factor analysis, (2) Confirmatory factor analysis, (3) Item-test correlations, (4) Item discrimination powers were done. The reliability analyses were done as calculated (1) internal consistency (2) determination and (3) unbiasedness coefficients. After exploratory factor analysis; a scale structure consisting of 24 items collected under 2 factors were observed. KMO value of the scale was 0.937; Bartlett’s test values were x2=4638,648; sd=276; p<0.001. Factor loads of the items were between 0.459 and 0.728. Amount of explained variance was 44.385%. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated that among model fit values χ2/d (3.17), RMSEA (0.61), GFI (0.90), AGFI (0.88) showed an acceptable match while SRMR (0.047), NNFI (0.97) CFI (0.97) and IFI (0.97) showed perfect match. Item-test correlations of the items in the scale were between 0.503 and 0.680; while t-test values related to discrimination powers were between 10.562 and 19.236. Each relationship and difference was significant at p<0.01 level. Internal consistency of the scale was Cronbach’s alpha 0.920. Unbiasedness coefficients were between Cronbach’s alpha 0.862 and 0.921. Coefficient of determination was 0.712 by Pearson’s test. It can be stated that School Learning Responsibility Scale (SLRS) is a valid and reliable scale which can be used to determine students’ levels of fulfilling learning responsibilities. Findings obtained from SLRS for students’ levels of fulfilling their learning responsibilities can be effectively used to determine potential precautions to be taken to make educational process more efficient and to encourage students to be individuals with learning responsibility. On the other hand, we hope that school administrators and teachers make realistic assessments about the cases of academic failure of students.

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