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The entire text with the exception of Tables and References should be written in “Times New Roman”, double spaced. Tables must be prepared in font size 10 with 1.5 line spacing. References must be in font size 10 point (please refer to example 1 for author name, Turkish summary and English summary). The entire manuscript, including structured abstract in English, tables and references should not exceed 5500 words.
Manuscripts should present material in following order:
Abstract, keywords, main text, references, appendices (if any) and extended abstract. If the manuscript is written in Turkish, structured abstract should be in English and if the manuscript is written in English, the structured abstract should be in Turkish.
The English structured abstract should be written in “Times New Roman, font size 11, 500 to 750 words and should follow immediately after the end of main text.
Extended abstract’s proofreading is authors’ responsibility. The submission with grammatical or spelling mistakes will not be published until the manuscript is written in good English and free of all grammatical and spelling mistakes.
For the manuscripts written in Turkish, extended abstract written in English must include four subheadings: Introduction, Methodology, Findings and Discussion. Turkish extended abstract should be structured around “Giriş, Yöntem, Bulgular and Tartışma.
Manuscript title not exceed 10 to 12 words and be centered and bold. Title should be written both in English and Turkish. English title must be written after Turkish title , before abstract and should be bold. Capitalize the first letter of the first words of all headings, including title.
Author(s) name and last name(s Author(s) name and last name(s) should be placed right beneath “Manuscript title (without affiliation)” and be centered, uppercase and lower case, bold.
Present the authors' affiliation addresses (where the actual work was done) below the names. Indicate all affiliations with a lower-case superscript letter immediately after the author's name and in front of the appropriate address. Provide the title of the author(s) full postal address of each affiliation, including the city and the country name and if it is outside of Turkey, if available, the e-mail address of each author as a footnote.
Abstract and key words: