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International Journal of Environmental and Science Education

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Review Process


[email protected]

Review Process: Manuscripts are reviewed initially by the Editors and only those meeting the aims and scope of the journal will be sent for outside review. Each manuscript is reviewed by at least two referees. All manuscripts are reviewed as rapidly as possible.


All text should be 12-point - Times New Roman.

All text should be ragged-right.


  • It is also essential that the full postal address, telephone, fax and email coordinates be given of the author who will receive editorial correspondence, offprints and proofs.


    should be contain;

    Please provide a short abstract of 100 to 250 words. The abstract should not contain ANY undefined abbreviations or unspecified references.

    Key Words
    Please provide 3 to 5 key words or short phrases in alphabetical order.


    All photographs, graphs and diagrams should be referred to as a Figure and they should be numbered consecutively (1, 2, etc.). Multi-part figures ought to be labeled with lower case letters (a, b, etc.). Please insert keys and scale bars directly in the figures. Relatively small text and great variation in text sizes within figures should be avoided as figures are often reduced in size. Figures may be sized to fit approximately within the column(s) of the journal. Provide a detailed legend (without abbreviations) to each figure, refer to the figure in the text and note its approximate location in the margin. Please place the legends in the manuscript after the references.

    Each table should be numbered consecutively. In tables, footnotes are preferable to long explanatory material in either the heading or body of the table. Such explanatory footnotes, identified by superscript letters, should be placed immediately below the table. Please provide a caption (without abbreviations) to each table, refer to the table in the text and note its approximate location in the margin. Finally, please place the tables after the figure legends in the manuscript.

    • Figures and tables should have their positions clearly marked and be provided after the references in the main text.

    Please use endnotes rather than footnotes. Notes should be indicated by consecutive superscript numbers in the text and listed at the end of the article before the References. A source reference note should be indicated by means of an asterisk after the title. This note should be placed at the bottom of the first page.

    Acknowledgements of people, grants, funds, etc. should be placed in a separate section before the References.

    Supplementary material should be collected in an Appendix.

    Quotations less than three lines long should be incorporated into the text using double quotation marks. For longer quotations (more than three lines or two sentences), use 'Quotation' style in the styles menu.

    After the manuscript are accepted for publication, authors will be required to sign a copyright transfer form.

    A proof will be sent to the corresponding author.

    Page Charges and Color Figures <span style="&quot;font-size:10.0pt;" font-family:"arial","sans-serif""="">
    No page charges are levied on authors or their institutions except for color pages.

    It is the responsibility of the author to obtain written permission for a quotation from unpublished material, or for all quotations in excess of 250 words in one extract or 500 words in total from any work still in copyright, and for the reprinting of figures, tables or poems from unpublished or copyrighted material.