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Khazar Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

Yıl 2012 , Cilt 15 , Sayı 4

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Makale özeti
Başlık :

Power and truth in atwood’s the blind assassin

Yazar kurumları :
Payam Noor University of Amol1
Görüntülenme :
Özet Türkçe :

The present paper explicates the power relations in the social and private networks of the characters' lives in Margaret Atwood's The Blind Assassin. Several groups of relationships are observed to demonstrate noticed and neglected power forces among men and women in the story. Thus the battleground is depicted and the domination of men over women will be rejected. Using Foucault's ideas about power and truth, I try to display the conflict of all against all in the novel and likewise in the civilized society we live in.

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