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International Journal On New Trends in Education and Their Implications - Ijonte

Yıl 2011 , Cilt 2 , Sayı 4

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Başlık :

Role and function of meta communication concept as nonverbal communication in teaching efl

Yazar kurumları :
The School of Foreign Languages Anadolu University1, Faculty of Communication Anadolu University2
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This paper examines and focuses on some issues and questions related to effective use of meta communication concept as nonverbal communication in teaching English as a foreign language by giving some language tips on how to teach meta-communicative items in the foreign language class. "Meta Communication" is the process between message designers when they are talking about the learning process, as distinguished from their articulation of the "substantive" learning, itself. Like verbal communication, nonverbal communication exists in a context, and that context determines to a large extent the meanings of any nonverbal behaviors. The same nonverbal behavior may have a totally different meaning when it occurs in another context. It is also important to mention culture in teaching meta-communication as the nonverbal behaviors are generally culture specific. Thus, there can be misunderstandings in communication. It is essential to remember that the meta-communication which accompanies any message is very powerful. The receiver will use these clues to help them to interpret what you mean, but more importantly they will often take the meaning from the meta-communication rather than from the words themselves, particularly when what you are saying conflicts with what you are doing. Hence, understanding or interpreting nonverbal messages accurately is especially important for second/foreign language (L2) learners whose comprehension skill is more limited. Thus, this paper aims to demonstrate authentic uses of meta-communication by showing some visual and written materials to be used in class to increase students' awareness of the target language.

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