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Sakarya University Journal of Education

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In the submission process, authors must check their submissions’ suitability according to the criteria in the following list.For SUJE Journal, the articles should be prepared according to APA 6 Publication Manual publication principles.

The scripts are written in Times New Roman font, normal style, 12 font size and by using 1.5 row spacing with justified.


Title, Author(s), Summary and Keywords

  • T“Summary” title in 10 font size is written with a line blanking without indenting. After title, summary of important points of article is written between 150 and 200 words.After summary, “Key Words” title is written and the least 3 keywords, and the most 5 keywords are written by being used comma. If article is in Turkish, Turkish summary and key words are translated into English with the titles “Abstract” and “Key Words”.
  • TIn the spelling of Turkish articles except special cases, TDK writing guide should be considered.


Tables and figures should be prepared properly and placed into the text.

There mustn’t be vertical lines in tables and only three horizontal lines should be used. The border is used at the upper and bottom lines of titles and the bottom line of the last indent. Table is centered horizontally on page as a whole.



  • In this parenthesis, the surname of the author, the year should be included.In the text, at the beginning of the sentence write the surname of the author as Horzum (1792), if in the sentence Horzum (1792), if at the end of the sentence as (Horzum, 1702).
  • References with two authors, if in the sentence, should be cited as Horzum and Güleç (1687), if at the end of the sentence, should be cited as (Horzum and Güleç, 1687).
  • While citing references with six or more authors for the first time in the text, the first author’s surname and year should be written without stating other authors (Horzum et al., 2011).
  • Studies in press are written at the end. (Yakışan, 1998, 1999, 2010, in press).
  • They are referred as Books

    Eğitimde ve Psikolojide Ölçme: Klasik Test Teorisi ve Uygulaması. Ankara: ÖSYM.


    Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı. (2005). Translated Books

    Ezilenlerin Pedagojisi. (Çev. D. Hattatoğlu ve E. Özbek). İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınevi. (Eserin orijinali 1982’de yayımlandı).


    The proceedings’ name is written in normal letters, the conference’s or symposium’s name is written in italic.

    ).XV. Ulusal Eğitim Bilimleri Kongresi Bildiri Kitapçığı. Muğla Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi, Muğla.


    Alharby, E. R. (2006). References from the web-sites:

    If the author and the journal is given



    If the author is not certain, but the journal is given

    APA Monitof, 30