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Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi

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Author Guidelines


Submit your manuscript
To submit a manuscript, please register first, and then login using the ID and the password you created during the registration.
Before submitting your manuscript, please make sure that your manuscript meets at least one of the following requirements.
My/Our manuscript
  1. is an experimental one which is testing a hypothesis or suggesting new hypotheses to an existing theory,
  2. is an observational one which is evaluating a hypothesis or suggesting new hypotheses to an existing theory,
  3. is an applied one (in the sense that e.g. I/we collected data after I/we apply some kind of training, teaching, or I/we have the subjects produce some kind of verbal or behavioral data) where I/we analyze the data itself for its qualitative features, instead of the frequencies only, to add new dimensions to an existing theory,
  4. analyze seducational materials, educational environments or the education itself in relation to learning, teaching or any relevant theories,

A manuscript which meets at least one of the above criteria must be original in that it has to be different, at least with its one quality, from similar papers published in the relevant literature.

The manuscripts need not to be adjusted to the journals typesetting style before you are notified that the manuscript has been accepted for publication. However, it has to be in the following format:
  • Manuscripts must be in Microsoft Word Document file format.
  • Name(s) of the author(s) must certainly be deleted from the reviewer version.
  • Although it is not apparent, Word documents contain the name of the author, institution etc., which is called metadata, in the background and it can be seen when the reader checks “Document Properties”. To remove the metadata, click on the File tab, then on the Info and then on Check for issues button. From the drop down menu, click on Inspect Document, and then click on the Inspect button at the bottom of the widow opens. Under the Document Properties and Personal Information, you will see the metadata found (Usually, “*Document properties and *Author). If you click on the button Remove All, all the metadata will be removed. Just to be sure, click on Reinspect button Then Save the document.
  • The manuscript must have a Title, an Abstract(No more than 200 words), Keywords (Six keywords), Main Text and then References (must listed alphabetically). Main text must be easy to process in that it should have Headings and subheadings. The manuscript must not contain more than 8000 wordsincluding Title, Abstract, Keywords and References.
  • Tables, figures, graphics, photographs etc. must be given in the text. They should be numbered consecutively.
  • Sample data in languages other than the language of the manuscript should be translated into the language of the manuscript in the following way:
    The child/Boy a frog find-EVD.PAST
    The boy (apparently) found a frog.
    Please follow The Leipzig Glossing Rules in morphological analysis of sentences ( )
  • References must be in APA (5th Edition) style ( visit
  • Submission of the manuscript is also considered as a statement by the author(s) stating that the manuscript is original, belonging to the author(s), has not been published previously (except for as a conference presentation or an academic thesis) and is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.