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International Journal of Social Inquiry

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First, an editor will evaluate all manuscripts to determine whether to proceed with further consideration of the paper. Please note that papers may be rejected at this stage for several reasons including grammar and style, and quality of the argument. Those manuscripts that are recommended for peer review by an editor will then be sent to two discipline experts for review. Generally manuscripts will be reviewed within 2 months.


01. Papers must advance knowledge in the social sciences and make a strong theoretical and/or empirical contribution to the literature and current developments

02. Authors should write in clear English.

03. Authors should ensure their papers are between 5000-8500 words in length (including the Notes/Bibliography section).

04. Submitted work should be provided in electronic format in MS Word. They should use either Times New Roman or Arial fonts and should be in twelve-point font size.

05. The title of the article, author`s name/s, institutions and address should appear at the top of the manuscript on page.

06. An abstract between 100- 150 words, giving a concise statement of the intention, results and conclusions of the paper should be attached to the article. Authors should also include 5 keywords.

07. Authors should prepare manuscripts according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.