For human beings, one of the most important ways of learning is to read, because during the process of learning, most activities utilize the senses of sight and hearing. "Reading is a complex activity that stem from the various movements of the five senses and the attempt of mind to comprehend the meaning. Usually, we obtain 1 % of what we have learned through tasting, 1.5 % through touching, 3.5 %, through smelling, 11 % through hearing, 83 % through the sense of sight. According to these results, reading, being appealing to both the eye and the ear, appears to have a significant share of 94 % in learning. "(Aytas, 2005). Plenty of researches have been done and are still being carried out on how to make the individuals acquire a skill holding that much importance in our lives and what kind of studies are required in this context. Forasmuch as reading is a skill which can be developed through education rather than a habit. The main purpose of this study, is to bring together such works as articles , master's thesis, doctoral thesis, seminars, and papers in the field of reading education which has an important place in human life and to help the researchers who will work in this field.