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EKEV Akademi Dergisi

Yıl 2013 , Cilt , Sayı 54

Makale özeti ve diğer detaylar.

Makale özeti
Başlık :

Serbest zaman, serbest zaman etkinlikleri ve eğitimdeki yeri

Yazarlar :
Yazar kurumları :
Atatürk Üniversitesi K.K.E.F, İlköğretim Bölümü1
Görüntülenme :
Özet Türkçe :

Serbest Zaman Ekinlikleri dersi, 2010 Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu

Özet İngilizce :

Leisure Time Activities course exists in the 2010 Primary Schools Weekly Course Table of the Board of Education of the Ministry of Education. Any curriculum or regulations which are related with the course have not been published. This course whose scope and return are extremely important is left to teachers. The wishes and personal features, needs of students must be taken into account during the determination of the activities. Various activities must be chosen and all of the students must take on duties in the activities. The conditions of the school and the environment are also very important. The people who will give this education, that is, the teachers, must also be effectively educated. The determination of the usage frequency of the activities preferred by the teachers in this course, professional seniority, gender, number of students, socio-economic level of the school environment are the factors that indicate diversity in accordance with the aim.

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