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Bu araştırma da sanatçının eserlerinden bazılarının eleştirilmesi, genelleme yapmaksızın bize bu sanatçı hakkında bir bilgi vermektedir. Merkezi Londra’da bulunan Savaş ve Barış Enstitüsü (IWPR) yayınladığı bir haberde, Bağdat’taki şiddetin aileleri cinsler arası görev dağılımında rol değişikliğine zorladığına dikkat çekmiştir. İngiliz sağlık dergisi The Lancet tarafından 2006 yılı mayıs-temmuz ayları arasında yapılan bir araştırmada, meydana gelen 302 şiddet olayında ölenlerin yüzde 91’inin erkek olduğu belirtilmiştir. Haberde, evlerinde hapsolup, ailelerine bakamamanın çaresizliğini yaşayan erkeklerin bu durumu küçülme olarak gördüklerine de dikkat çekmişlerdir.
No definitive answer can be given to the research problem raised in this survey on the way a war atmosphere is reflected in the works of Abbas Kümbetler. But through a critical approach to the works of the artist, this survey will be informative, without reaching any generalized conclusion. According to news published by the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR) the head office of which is in London, families exposed to violence in Baghdad have been forced into gender role-change and gender task redistribution. It is pointed out that more men gradually confine themselves to the house out of fear of violence in Baghdad; as a result of this, women necessarily carry out the work outside of the home. According to a survey carried out in England by The Lancet, a health journal, it was pointed out that between May-June in 2006, 91% of the victims in 302 cases of violence in Iraq were men. According to this report, it was emphasized that men who confine themselves to the house out of the fear of violence feel themselves helpless as they are no longer able to support and keep their families. This was seen as a humiliation, one that would have a detrimental effect on their families.