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Eğitim ve Öğretim Araştırmaları Dergisi

Yıl 2012 , Cilt 1 , Sayı 3

Makale özeti ve diğer detaylar.

Makale özeti
Başlık :

Sosyal bilgiler dersinde değerlerin aktariminda atasözleri ve deyimlerin kullanimi

Yazar kurumları :
Atatürk üniversitesi1
Görüntülenme :
Özet Türkçe :

Sosyal Bilgiler dersi tarih, coğrafya, vatandaşlık bilgisi gibi birçok alanı kapsayan ve ilköğretim çağındaki bireylerin bilişsel, duyuşsal ve devinişsel yönde gelişimlerini sağlamayı hedefleyen derslerden biridir. Bu hedeflere ulaşmak için birçok materyal kullanılmaktadır. Bu derste atasözleri ve deyimler gibi yazılı materyallerin kullanımı öğrenciye ulaşılmak istenen hedeflerin kazandırılması yanında çok yönlü düşünme

Özet İngilizce :

Social studies course is one of the lessons which include many areas such as history, geography, and citizenship study, and aims at providing individuals’ development that are at primary school age in aspects of cognitive, affective, and kinesthetic. In order to achieve these targets many materials are being used. The usage of written materials such as proverbs and idioms in this course, besides gaining targets which will be reached, they provide multiple thinking ability, and contribute them to be individuals who think analytically, examine beliefs and values and develop positive attitude and values, be compatible and active. In teaching conditions within there are elements such as increasing the explanation power, giving pleasure to what has been said and providing to keep in mind, students gain concrete learning and learn the subjects which will be taught them easily and effectively. In this research, proverbs and idioms that can be used to convey values when teaching 7th grade Social Studies subjects are defined; with this purpose, document analysis which is one a qualitative research method is referred; it is concluded in order to provide effective and permanent learning when teaching social studies subjects many proverbs and idioms can be used.

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