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e-Uluslararası Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi

Yıl 2011 , Cilt 2 , Sayı 4

Makale özeti ve diğer detaylar.

Makale özeti
Başlık :

Müzik öğretmenliği programı özel yetenek sınavlarında alan ve yerleştirme puanlarının kariılaştırılması1

Yazar kurumları :
İnönü Üniversitesi1
Görüntülenme :
Özet Türkçe :

Bu araştırmanın amacı; İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Güzel Sanatlar Eğitimi Müzik Öğretmenliği Programına başvuran adayların, müziksel işitme-yazma, müziksel söyleme ve müziksel çalma puanları ile yerleştirme puanları arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemektir. Araştırma 2010-2011 Eğitim Öğretim yılı özel yetenek sınavına başvuran 387 adayla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Müziksel çalma alanı puanları ve müziksel söyleme alanı puanlar arası ilişkilerde ve bağımsız değişkenlere göre anlamlı farklılık testlerinde, veri grubu olarak sadece ikinci aşamaya kalan (N=65) adaylar üzerinden istatistiksel bulgular verilmiştir. Puanlar normal dağılımdan aşırı sapma göstermedikleri için, dört puan türü arasındaki ilişkilerde; parametrik bir test olan ve ilişkisel incelemelerde kullanılan Pearson Korelasyon Katsayısı (r) kullanılmıştır. Özel yetenek sınavında, AOBP ve YGS puanı dışında yerleştirmeye esas olan puan türleri arasında en yüksek aritmetik ortalamanın müziksel çalma alanında olduğu saptanmış, aritmetik ortalama ve standart sapma değerleriyle müziksel söyleme alanı puanlarının, müziksel çalma alanı puanlarına yakın olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucunda alan uzmanlarınca alışılagelmiş bir yargı olan, özel yetenek sınavlarında yerleştirmeye esas olan puan türlerinden, müziksel işitme-yazma alanının yetenek sınavlarının en önemli kısmına sahip olduğu düşüncesi, İnönü Üniversitesi örneğiyle sanılanın aksine çalgı alanı puanlarının önemini ortaya çıkarmıştır. Bu nedenle, birinci aşama sınavını geçemeyen bazı adayların ikinci aşama sınavında daha yüksek puan toplayabileceği göz ardı edilmemelidir. Ölçmenin geçerlik ve güvenirliğinin arttırılması bakımından, ikinci sınava alınacak adayların sayılarının arttırılması ya da belirlenecek bir taban puana göre alınmasının yararlı olacağı düşünülmektedir.

Özet İngilizce :

Problem/Purposes: In Turkey, institutions and organizatıons of music education show differences in terms of their purposes. Along with the music education given at three different levels- formal, common and professional-, students are also chosen by special talent examinations particularly in the field of professional music education. Conservatories, faculties of fine arts (musicology, music Technologies) and faculties of education (music teaching programmes)can be shown as the institutions electing students by special talent examinations. The aim of the professional education given in the programmes within the field of music by related institutions is to educate music educators, music researchers, and artists that perform music -in other words- music performers and to bring them into our countries' educational and artistic life.At the same time, even though the special talent examinations made in these institutions differs according to the aims of institutions and levels of sub-tests, they're fundamentally similar.For example; fields of musical hearing, musical playing and musical singing constitute the basic elements of special talent examinations in every institution. Fields of musical writing and reading could be added to these fields. Methods: The data used in the study were attained by taking all the permissions necessary from the deanry of the faculty of education. The process of obtaining the data consisted of two different phases. The first phase was to compose a "Personal Information Form" and to apply this form to the students. The second phase was to obtain the applicants' examination scores from the related unit of the Deanry of the Faculty of Education of Inonu Unıversity.The data related to these scores were examined graphically by checking out their bell shaped curves.In second phase; Kolmogorov-Smirnov test results were examined by also checking out the Skewness and Kurtosis values of the data. After the normal ranges of the scores were examined,"arithmetic means and standard deviations" were calculated and visualised by means of histograms. Since the musical performance and singing scores of the students were taken into account only in the 2nd stage of the examination, in evaluating the relationships between the scores and in the test looking for significance of difference according to independent variables, statistical calculations were only performed on the entrants passed through the 2nd phase) n=65 as the data group. Since the scores didn't deviate extremely from the normal range, in determining the relationships among the four score types, Pearson correlation coefficient (r) -which is a parametric test used in relational screening modelswas utilised (Büyüköztürk, 2007:31). Findings: When the range curves of the scores were examined,it was found that there wasn't any extreme skewness.In the special talent examination, aside from the AOBP and YGS scores , the highest arithmethical mean among the score types which are fundamental for the placement was found as ( X ) 65.25 in the field of musical performance(ss=16.18.) Besides, it was detected that, scores in the field of musical singing is proximal to the scores in the field of musical performance with the values of an arithmetic mean at ( X ) 60.41 and standard deviation at (ss) 12.41. The fact that the scores in the field of musical performance and singing were higher than the scores in the field of musical writing could be explained with the fact that only the applicants who could be able to pass through the second phase of the examination have them. At the end, these applicants elected the others by being more successful in the first phase of the examination. For this reason, it was considered normal to encounter with a result like this. Arithmetic means of the scores (Sd=24.75) in the field of musical hearing and writing were found as ( X ) 34.42,and in the placement scores(sd=24.75) it was found as ( X ) 99.64. If it's considered that The placement score of the last applicant who passed the examination, -in other words the 30th candidatewas (145.54)and the arithmetical means of the placement scores was ( X =99.64), it could be seen that there was a significant difference between the scores. No significant relationship was found between the scores in the field of musical hearing-writing and musical peroformance. No significant relationship was found between the scores in the field of musical hearing-writing and musical singing. A significant, high level and positive relationship was found between the scores in the field of musical performance and the scores in the field of musical singing(r=.73, p<.01).That means if a type of score increases, the other type of score increases as well.Besides, the 53% of the success rate of the scores in the field of musical singing could be explained with the other type of score. A significant, mid- level and positive relationship was found between the placement scores and the scores in the field of musical hering -writing(r=.62, p<.01). The 44% of the success rate of the placement scores could be explained with the scores in the field of musical hering-writing (r²=.44). A significant, mid- level and positive relationship was found between the placement scores and the scores in the field of musical performance)(r=.62, p<.01). It could be said that the 38% of the success rate of the placement scores could be explained with the scores in the field of musical performance (r²=.38). It's noticeable that the scores in the field of musical performance were at this level, inspite of the fact that the scores in the field of Musical hearing-writing were more weighted in percentage than the scores in the field of performance in calculating the OYSP. Besides just as it happened with the scores in the field of musical performance, when the correlation between the scores in the field of musical hearing and writing and the placement scores examined in terms of the candidates in the second phase, it was detected that the relationship is at the level of r=.49. (p<.01). A relationship on a weaker level is seen when it's compared with the scores in the field of musical performance. A significant, and positive relationship on a weaker level was found between the placement scores and the scores in the field of musical singing than the relationship between the scores in the field of musical hering-writing with the scores in the field of musical performance.When the determination factor was taken into consideration It could be said that the 10% of the success rate of the placement scores could be explained with the scores in the field of musical singing (r²=.10). When the fields of musical performance and musical singing were comparatively examined; despite the fact that either fields required performance and they weighted equally in terms of their percentages in OSYP (25%), it could be considered as a noticeable situation that the correlation level of the field of musical singing with the placement scores (r=.33, p<.01), were lower than the field of musical performance (r=.62, p<.01). Recommendations: Since the musical talent could be measured momentarily, the applicants' psychological situations, levels of anxiety and nervousness have to be taken into account. And it should be remembered that, some of the applicants who couldn't pass the 1st stage could have had higher scores in the fields of musical singing and performance. It is thought that, increasing the number of the applicants who could take the 2nd phase of the examination or electing the applicants by using a predetermined base- score could be beneficial in respect to increasing the validity and reliability of the measurement.

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