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Çalışma ve Toplum

Yıl 2006 , Cilt , Sayı 10

Makale özeti ve diğer detaylar.

Makale özeti
Başlık :

Küreselleşme ve kuralsızlaştırma

Yazarlar :
Yazar kurumları :
Marmara Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi1
Görüntülenme :
Özet Türkçe :

Globalization, as a policy triggered by International capital movement to overcome its deep crisis, implies openning up all economies to foreign trade and competition. International capital flow among economies, in both real investment and speculative forms, forces governments in developing countries to adopt various policies in adjusting their economies to foreign competition. However, that globalization means squeezing of government control on national economies puts severe constraints on policy-makers at home. Parallel to globalization deregulation, decentralization, privatization, and reregulation as the total sum of all such rules appear as prerequisites of globalization, though their effects may be rather detrimental to developing economies in the long-run. Thus; developing economies are put in a path in which reregulation understood as such should be observed on the one hand, and economic developmet could be achieved to catch up with developed economies on the other. Turkey, as a developing economy, is struggling with such contradictory constraints in

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