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bilig, Türk Dünyası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi

Yıl 2012 , Cilt , Sayı 60

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Makale özeti
Başlık :

Azerbaycan edebiyatı tarihinin yeni metotla yazılmasında emin abid’in rolü

Yazar kurumları :
Azerbaycan Milli İlimler Akademisi Folklor Enstitüsü Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü1
Görüntülenme :
Özet Türkçe :

Türk dünyasında edebiyat tarihi yazımı yüzyıllar boyunca tezkire biçiminde olmuştur. Emin Abid ise makalelerinde ve Azerbaycan Türklerinin Edebiyat Tarihi adlı eserinde Avrupai metotla edebiyat tarihini yazmıştır. Azerbaycan'da Türkler nüfus çoğunluğunu oluştursa da, ülkede başka halklar da yaşar. Bu açıdan Azerbaycan edebiyatı tarihi yazılacaksa çok dilli bir edebiyat tarihi yazılmalıydı. Emin Abid de Azerbaycan edebiyatı tarihi değil, Azerbaycan Türklerinin edebiyatı tarihini bu açıdan yazmaya karar verir. O, sadece Azerbaycan'da yaşayan Türklerin yarattıkları edebi eserleri değil, Azerbaycan Türkçesinde konuşan Türklerin yarattığı Edebiyatın tarihini yazar. Bu da Sovyetler Birliği'nin stratejisine uyğun düşmez. Bu nedenle 1937 yılında görevden alınır, 1938 yılında gözaltına alınarak sorğulanır ve kurşuna dizilir. Emin Abid'in Azerbaycan Türklerinin Edebiyat Tarihi kitabının ilk cildi Azerbaycan Devlet Edebiyat ve İncesenet Arşivinde, son cildi ise İstanbul Darülfünununda bulunmaktadır. İster bu elyazmaları, ister yayınlattığı ve yayınlatamadığı makaleleri, onun Azerbaycan Türklerinin Edebiyat Tarihini yazma metodu hakkında söz demeye imkân vermektedir

Özet İngilizce :

The written form of the history of our literature has been tezkires (a collection of short biographies of notable figures) for centuries. Europe achieved the highest development in economy, education, military and other fields. Eastern intellectuals and state officials endeavored to benefit from European methods for the development of their own countries. Emin Abid was one in this regard. Emin Abid born in 1898 in Baku was graduated from Istanbul University in 1926. Having returned to his home country-Azerbaijan he started teaching in the universities and lyceums and published his articles on history of literature in the magazines. His creative activity was related to the writing of history of the literature based on new method-European method which is reflected in all his articles and in his many-volumed book "History of Literature of Azerbaijani Turks". Each nation in Europe had formed its own government and was living within that government. The situation was different in the East. The Turks were living within several governments such as in Turkey, Iran, Azerbaijan, Iraq and others. This situation prevented the research of literature history of the nation from geographical perspective in both Turkey and Azerbaijan. Though the Turks were majority in Azerbaijan the minor nations such as Talishs, Lezgis, Avars, Kurds, Armenians, Russians and others should not be disregarded. The research of history of Azerbaijani literature needed to be multilingual. For this reason Emin Abid decided to write the history of literature of Azerbaijani Turks. He was not writing only about the history of the literature of the Turks in Azerbaijan but also about the Turks who shared the same accent with the ones in Azerbaijan. It was against the Soviet strategy. The ban over the publishing of his books came in 1936 leading to his relieve of his duty in 1937. In 1938 Emin Abid was arrested and having been interrogated for a while he was executed. The first volume of his many-volumed book "History of Literature of Azerbaijani Turks" is kept in Azerbaijan State Literature and Art Archive whereas the last volume is kept in Istanbul Darulfun (Istanbul University). His manuscripts, published and unpublished articles are best indicators to be related while talking about the research method on the history of the literature of Azerbaijani Turks.

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