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Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi

Yıl 2009 , Cilt , Sayı 22

Makale özeti ve diğer detaylar.

Makale özeti
Başlık :

Merkez sağda 27 mayıs ve 12 eylül sonrası partileşme

Yazar kurumları :
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü1
Görüntülenme :
Özet Türkçe :

Arastırmanın Temelleri: Merkez sagda 27 Mayıs ve 12 Eylül sonrası partilesme sürecinde yasanan gelismeler ve Adalet Partisi (AP) ile Anavatan Partisi’nin (ANAP) karsılastırmalı analiziyle ilgili degerlendirmelerdir. Arastırmanın Amacı: 27 Mayıs sonrası kurulan AP, Yeni Türkiye Partisi (YTP) ile 12 Eylül sonrası kurulan ANAP, Milliyetçi Demokrasi Partisi (MDP), Büyük Türkiye Partisi’nin (BTP) kurulus sürecinde yasanan gelismeleri ve AP-ANAP arasındaki farkları ortaya koymaktır. Veri Kaynakları: Gazete, kitap, dergi taraması ve bazı milletvekilleriyle yapılan sözlü tarih çalısmalarıdır. Ana Tartısma: 27 Mayıs ve 12 Eylül sonrası siyasi parti kurma çalısmalarına izin verilmesiyle birlikte merkez sagda yer alan partilerin kurulus süreçleri ve Demokrat Parti’den (DP) sonra merkez sagın temsilcisi olan AP-ANAP arasındaki farklardır. Sonuçlar: 27 Mayıs ve 12 Eylül sonrası Türk siyasetinin sekillenmesinde askerin önemli bir rolü oldugu görülmektedir. 27 Mayıs ile kıyaslandıgında, 12 Eylül sonrasında askeri kesimin, siyasetin sekillenmesinde daha etkin oldugunu söyleyebiliriz. Askeri kesimin, 27 Mayıs ve 12 Eylül sonrası destekledigi partilerin basarısızlıgı, siyasetten silinmeleri, Türk halkının siyasette askere destek vermedigi, sıcak bakmadıgı olarak degerlendirilebilir. 27 Mayıs sonrasında DP tabanının önemli bir bölümü AP’ye, 12 Eylül sonrasında AP tabanının önemli bir kısmı ANAP’a destek verdi. AP ile ANAP karsılastırıldıgında, AP’nin karma ekonomiyi ANAP’ın serbest piyasa ekonomisini savundugu; AP, ANAP’ta muhafazakarlıgın ayrı bir hizip olarak varoldugu ve ANAP’ın 4 egilimi temsil ettigi; AP tabanının agırlık olarak kırsal kesimden, ANAP tabanının ise sehirli kesimden olustugu görülmektedir.

Özet İngilizce :

The Basis of the Research: Developments experienced during the party formation in the centre right after May 27 and September 12 and evaluations regarding the comparative analysis of the Justice Party (JP) and the Motherland Party (MP) establish the basis of the research. The Purpose of the Research: The purpose of the research is to present developments experienced during the establishment process of The New Turkish Party (NTP) and The JP formed after May 27 and MP, the Nationalist Democracy Party (NDP), the Great Turkish Party (GTP) formed after September 12 and the differences between JP and MP. Data Resources: Newspaper, book and journal searches and verbal history studies carried out with some members of the parliament. Main Discussion: The main discussion is the establishment process of the parties in the centre right when the activities to form parties were permitted after May 27 and September 12 and the differences between MP and JP, the representative of the centre right after the Democrat Party (DP). Results: It is understood that the military has had an important role in formation of Turkish politics since May 27 and September 12. We can indicate that the military circle is more effective in formation of the politics after September 12 when compared with May 27. Failure of the parties supported by the military circle after May 27 and September 12 and their elimination from the politics can be assumed that Turkish people do not support or approve the military in the field of politics. After May 27 a significant part of the DP base supported JP while an important part of the JP base supported MP after September 12. When JP and MP are compared, it is seen that JP supports mixed economy while MP supports free market economy; conservatism exists in MP, JP as another faction and MP represents four trends; the base of JP predominantly consists of rural area while the base of MP is formed by the urban area.The Basis of the Research: Developments experienced during the party formation in the centre right after May 27 and September 12 and evaluations regarding the comparative analysis of the Justice Party (JP) and the Motherland Party (MP) establish the basis of the research. The Purpose of the Research: The purpose of the research is to present developments experienced during the establishment process of The New Turkish Party (NTP) and The JP formed after May 27 and MP, the Nationalist Democracy Party (NDP), the Great Turkish Party (GTP) formed after September 12 and the differences between JP and MP. Data Resources: Newspaper, book and journal searches and verbal history studies carried out with some members of the parliament. Main Discussion: The main discussion is the establishment process of the parties in the centre right when the activities to form parties were permitted after May 27 and September 12 and the differences between MP and JP, the representative of the centre right after the Democrat Party (DP). Results: It is understood that the military has had an important role in formation of Turkish politics since May 27 and September 12. We can indicate that the military circle is more effective in formation of the politics after September 12 when compared with May 27. Failure of the parties supported by the military circle after May 27 and September 12 and their elimination from the politics can be assumed that Turkish people do not support or approve the military in the field of politics. After May 27 a significant part of the DP base supported JP while an important part of the JP base supported MP after September 12. When JP and MP are compared, it is seen that JP supports mixed economy while MP supports free market economy; conservatism exists in MP, JP as another faction and MP represents four trends; the base of JP predominantly consists of rural area while the base of MP is formed by the urban area.

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