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Yıl 2018 , Cilt , 1

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Makale özeti
Başlık :

“KARN” Kavramının Anlamı Üzerine Semantik Bir İnceleme

Yazarlar :
Yazar kurumları :
Dr. Öğretmen-MEB Kayseri/Türkiye
Görüntülenme :
Özet Türkçe :

 “Karn” kavramı, toplumun belli bir bölümüyle ilgili olarak pozitif, nötr veya negatif anlamda kullanılmaktadır. “Karn” ve çoğulu “kurûn”, Kur’ân’da helak olan kavimlerle birlikte kullanılması sebebiyle olumsuz; hadîs rivâyetlerinde sahâbeyi kastetmesinden dolayı olumlu bir anlam taşımaktadır. Mana çeşitliliğinden dolayı “karn” kavramının tarifiyle ilgili çok farklı tanım ve açıklamalar yapılmaktadır. Kavramla ilgili çeşitli görüş ve düşüncelerin olması kelimenin kökenini ve müştaklarının incelenmesini gerekli kılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Kur’ân ayetleri ve hadîs rivâyetlerinde pek çok kullanımı olan “karn” kavramının zaman, mekân ve niteliğe/niceliğe bağlı olarak ifade ettiği çok yönlü anlam boyutunu tespit edebilmek ve geçtiği ayet ve hadîs rivâyetlerinde murad edilen manaya ulaşabilmek hedeflenmektedir. Bu bağlamda “karn” kavramının içeriği ve tanımları incelenerek farklılıklar tespit edildikten sonra ayet ve hadîslerdeki vurgulanan özelliklere bağlı kalarak yeni bir tanım denemesi yapılacaktır.

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Özet İngilizce :

In Arabic, a term and its framework may be subject to modification from the first use till today both as time passes and due to the influence of Islam on the language. However, the alterations within the meanings of words are relevant to their morphological features. The term ‘‘Karn’’ appears in a negative sense in the Qur’an as the statement denotes ‘‘we destroyed many generations’’ but it appears in a positive sense in the hadith narrations as seen in the statement ‘‘the blessed generations are those who live in my century…’’ and therefore, in this study, this situation necessitates the examination of the term in terms of both its literal sense and origin. Furthermore, the definition and the content of the term also prove problematic. For this reason, it is of significance to create a scientific and academic definition of the term ‘‘Karn’’ which is not used in colloquial speech whereas the word ‘‘akran’’ which is a derivation of ‘‘Karn’’ is common in our language. Specifying what contexts an Arabic word is used in Jahiliyya Arabic poetry, verses of the Qur’an and the hadith narrations makes it easier to understand if semantic extensions, constraints and meaning transfer regarding the word are in question. The use of ‘‘k-r-n’’ verb in various meanings along with its many derivatives which are also used in the verses and the hadith narrations make it necessary to analyse correlation of meaning between aforementioned derived words. Moreover, in this study, it is aimed at gaining insight into various reasons for the contexts in which the term ‘‘Karn’’ has a narrower or larger meaning. The nature of the term of ‘‘Karn’’ has undergone some changes due to ‘‘time, space, quantity and quality’’ and the term has narrow and large meanings in its definitions according to the preferences. The ‘‘time’’ within the scope of the term ‘‘Karn’’ connotes any period of history; the ‘‘space’’ connotes a restricted place; the ‘‘quantity’’ connotes the essence of time in togetherness and the ‘‘quality’’ connotes a close affinity towards an aim. In accordance with aforementioned factors, definitions of ‘‘Karn’’ have been formed as a general/large and a narrow/custom one. Major differences in terms of time, space or quantity/quality are in question whereas there are some similarities or closeness with some of the collective nouns used in the verses of the Qur’an and the hadith narrations. In addition to lack of corresponding ones of some words in another language, there may not be a word which is synonymous with it and thoroughly conveys the meaning in the same language. The richness of a language stems from the existence of various meanings of the words which have close meanings in spite of that they are in abundance; and this situation is especially in question regarding the words which include the opposite meaning. The term ‘‘Karn’’ has a unique characteristic in that it is used in the Qur’an in a negative way as arrogant disregard of those who are in power and authority for justice and equality along with their destruction; and it is used in a positive way in the ‘‘Karn narration’’ as it connotes the companions of the Prophet who have completed the period of Jahiliyya and experienced the period of Asr al-Saadah. Even though many collective nouns are used in the Qur’an, the other terms fail to thoroughly correspond to the ‘‘Karn’ term. When the derivatives of the term ‘‘Karn’’ in the Qur’an are examined, the meanings of a close friend, a best friend, someone who is close and intimate gain great prominence; and in the hadith narrations it mainly means a protrusion on both sides of head, a double, an equivalent and the state of togetherness. Therefore, ‘‘Karn’’ denotes a more particular meaning than the words of generation and century, for the factors of time, space, quantity/quality which influence the nature of the term ‘‘Karn’’ are in question. It is hard to specify the length of time due to the instability of lifetimes of humans though various years are articulated regarding time. If it is specified, an approximately thirty-year when peers in society are in abundance gain prominence. It covers a narrow place in terms of space, a multicultural and collective society in terms of quality, and the people who receive the appeal in terms of quantity. These factors and approaches need to be recognized and specified regardless of putting either positive or negative meanings onto the term. Therefore, any description which is to be formed as the existence of a community that appears as a whole in quantity in a specific place and time for or against a leader/authority towards a shared goal will clarify what it is meant by the word generation or century.

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