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Yıl 2018 , Cilt , 1

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Makale özeti
Başlık :

Başa Çıkma Stratejileri Açısından Kur’ân’da Hicret Realitesi

Yazarlar :
Yazar kurumları :
Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi
Görüntülenme :
Özet Türkçe :

Günümüz mültecilerinin karşılaştığı maddi ve manevi birçok zorluğun yanı sıra kavram ve statü karmaşasına da maruz kaldıkları görülmektedir. Bu makalenin konusunu; problem, duygu ve inanç odaklı başa çıkma stratejileri açısından mültecilerin karşılaştığı göç ve iltica realitesinin Kur'ân'da nasıl ele alındığı oluşturmaktadır. Bu araştırmada, Kur’ân-ı Kerîm’in dini bir realite ve sosyolojik bir gerçek olarak ele aldığı “sığınmacı/mülteci” olgusu ayrıca bu kavramlar yerine kullandığı hicret kavramı ve muhacirlik olgusunun, nasıl ve hangi yönleriyle mülteci Müslümanlara teselli ve umut kaynağı olduğu/olabileceği araştırılacaktır. Konu işlenirken konulu tefsir metoduna bağlı olarak hicret olgusunun Kur'ân'ın bütünlüğü içerisinde incelenmesi planlanmaktadır. Psiko-sosyal yönüne vurgu yapılarak ele alınan konunun amacı; genel olarak Kur'ân'ın tüm muhataplarına, özelde ise günümüzde mülteci durumuna düşen Müslümanlara manevi destek olmaktır. Kur'ân'daki anlatımıyla göç hadisesi, hemen tüm peygamberlerin ve ümmetlerinin maruz kaldığı bir durumdur. Hicret olgusunun Kur'ân'da üç ana başlıkta ele alınabilecek şekilde yer aldığı görülür. Bunlardan birincisini hicret edenlerin üstün vasıflarla övülmesi, ikincisini hicret edenlere verilen müjde ve mükâfatlar, üçüncüsünü ise hicretten geri kalanların karşılaşacakları ceza ve azaplar oluşturmaktadır.

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Özet İngilizce :

Extended Abstract in Terms of Coping Strategies, Hijrah Reality in the Qur'an In accordance with the cultural, political and economic developments of the era, some individual and social problems come to the fore. One of the social problems of today is the migration and asylum events that have been experienced by many societies in history. The refugees, who are directly affected by these events, have many difficulties, both material and spiritual. In addition to these difficulties, it is also seen that in legal sense they are subject to conceptual and status complexity. The Holy Qur’an is a book that addresses all people in every century, includes solutions to current problems and provides guidance on how to overcome difficulties. In this study, it will be discussed how, and in which sense the concept of hijra and muhajir that is used in the Qur’an instead of the phenomenon of “refugee/asylum-seeker”, being embraced as a religious reality and sociological fact, is and can be a source of consolation and hope for Muslim refugees. One of the objectives of this research is to determine how the immigration and asylum reality faced by refugees is addressed in the Qur’an in terms of problem, emotional and belieffocused coping strategies. Another aim of the subject, which is discussed with an emphasis on the psychosocial aspect, is to provide inferences in order to provide moral support to all the believers who are faced with these problems in general and to the Syrian refugees in particular.  In this study, the phenomenon of hijrah was examined in the entirety of the Qur’an by adhering to the method of themed exegesis. In the Qur’an, the event of migration is a situation to which all the prophets and their nations are exposed and for which people in the future should therefore be prepared and not negated. The Qur’an describes the event of immigration for the sake of religion with a special terminology - the concept of hijrah. In this context, after considering the concepts that refer to the hijrah, the close meanings and the reasons of the emigration, it was emphasized which words were derived from the root H-J-R (هجر (in the Qur’an and which meanings they have was discussed. It can be seen that the concept of Hijrah takes place in the Qur’an in a way that can be handled under three main titles. The first of these is the superior qualities of those who emigrate; secondly, the gospel and reward given to the migrants, and finally the punishment and torment that those who refrain from the hijrah will experience. The Qur’an mentions more than ten superior qualities of immigrants and characterize those who possess these qualities as true believers. It can be said that people who have these qualities are solution-oriented persons who can manage many problems including immigration. Among the superior qualities that immigrants possess come to the fore: •Sincerity, Having hope in the grace of Allah's mercy, • Committing themselves to the path of Allah and committing Jihad (striving), • Bearing all kinds of distress and patience, Putting their trust in Allah after fulfilling their duty, • Acting with the principle of righteousness to experience and express verity and truth, • Helping the religion of Allah the Almighty and supporting the Prophet, • Being at the forefront in the competition of faith and deeds, • Having reached real earnings and success, Being true believers. One of the prominent findings of our study is that the gospel and the rewards promised in the Qur’an to those who migrated are promising to provide a positive psychological contribution to the refugees and immigrants today. In order to establish and increase the positive results in this respect, it is necessary to inform the refugees and immigrants about the motivation tools offered by the Qur’an by using means such as seminaries and the like.

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